I Am: A Handbook for Recovery, Moving Forward and Writing Your Story

I Am: A Handbook for Recovery, Moving Forward and Writing Your Story


I Am: A Handbook for Recovery, Moving Forward, and Writing your Story is a helpful tool for teens and adults. With an overall message of nontoxic positivity it brings together exercises I've developed and used for decades as a writing coach and English teacher. The handbook encourages looking at the future while not ignoring the past, improves overall writing, and helps writers find their authentic voice.

My handbook is a collection of exercises, quotes, and collected writing to help the writer find their voice and tell their story. The therapeutic importance of expressive writing has been proven through many studies of depressed and traumatized individuals, including teenagers struggling with gender, substance abuse, depression, post-traumatic stress from war, domestic violence, crime, and abuse victims. Writing can heal, and healing is needed after the last few years. —Molly Moynahan

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